CIPE Blog: Celebrating Over 10 Years in the Pacific
November 15, 2024​
PNGWCCI’s growth marked a significant step forward for women’s economic empowerment in PNG. In 2016, CIPE identified another pathway to support women entrepreneurs by establishing the PNG Women’s Business Resource Center (WBRC) and appointing a local program coordinator.
THE NATIONAL: Farmer Helen makes use of land to survive
May 29, 2024​
Small business owner Helen Nentepa is making use of any training opportunity to widen her knowledge and improve her skills in business. "I am currently a member of the Women's Business Resource Centre (WBRC). I attend regular trainings and share business ideas with the other members. The Centre is where businesswomen interact and attend motivational sessions to empower them to be financially independent."
THE NATIONAL: hub offering trainings
December 1, 2023​
A National Capital District-based business resource hub is encouraging more women to make use of its facilities. With emphasis on advocacy and technical assistance, the PNG Women's Business Resource Centre (PNGWBRC) assists women to access the vital resources they need.
November 19, 2023​
Mr. Morrell highlighted CIPE’s operations in Papua New Guinea, stating CIPE has been in the country since 2013 and has been undertaking various activities, specifically focusing on women’s economic empowerment, human rights, anti-corruption, and transparency and accountability.
Press Release: CIPE PNG Signs Five MoUs
December 23, 2022
CIPEPNG through the PNG Women's Business Resource Centre (WBRC) signed five new Memoranda of Understanding with key stakeholders: Goroka Agribusiness Training Institute (GATI), Milne Bay SME Incorporated, Women’s Micro Bank, Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Lae SME Incubator Hub.
THE NATIONAL: Women entrepreneurs complete 14 weeks business training
December 18, 2019​
Thirty-two women in business graduated last week after 14 weeks of undergoing the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) online business course. The Department of State through the US Embassy, partnered with Center for Private Enterprise (CIPE) through the PNG Women's Business Resource Centre (PNGBRC) to administer the programme.​
Post Courier: Literacy a Must for Aspiring Business Women
November 11, 2018
One of the points raised by aspiring local women venturing into businesses here in Papua New Guinea is to be able to read and write, which was mentioned during the PNG Business Women’s Resource Center focus group’s meeting.
Post Courier: Women in Business Marks Second Anniversary
November 07, 2018
The PNGWBRC celebrated their 2nd anniversary yesterday since their formation in November 2016, and currently comes under the management and guidance of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) which is a non government organization.
Post Courier: Women's Group Gets Feedbacks
May 25, 2018
The PNG Woman Business Resource Centre (PNGWBRC) held a focus group event yesterday to get feedbacks from members to get a better sense of how it’s services have helped these women who are starting their own business, or growing existing businesses and what recommendations they may have for improving the centre.
One PNG: Resource Center aims to boost women Business in PNG
April 24, 2018
Women in PNG continue to face legal and cultural challenges to engage in the business sector but thanks to advocacy groups like PNG Women’s Business Resource Centre (WBRC), women can now venture in to the business sector with confidence.
EMTV: PNG Women's Business Resource Centre Celebrates First Anniversary
November 16, 2017
The Women's Business Resource Center is a place that offers this environment for budding entrepreneurs to innovate, network and empower themselves, and ultimately get their business ideas off the ground, and succeed.
EMTV: Women's Business Resource Centre Opened to Give Women Access to Information
November 15, 2016
A resource hub for women was opened today in Port Moresby.
A joint initiative of the United States and Australian Governments, the Women's Business Resource Centre will ensure that women have access to information that support the development, growth, and sustainability of their enterprises.